On February 25, 2013, local Channel 10, WJAR aired this special report on PEDROCIT® and the successful treatment of headaches, migraines, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries. Featuring concussion survivor and advocate, Tracy Yatsko–watch as Tracy recounts an 8-year struggle that has led her to seek treatment with Rhode Island’s own, Dr. Victor Pedro.

Paula Abdul discusses RSD and Dr. Pedro
Paula Abdul discusses her life with RSD and how Dr. Pedro has helped her.

WPRI (Ch. 12) Medical Reporter Pat Masters examines the early days of PEDROCIT® through the treatment success of 14-year-old Olivia Canario, who suffered from a speech and language disorder.

Sports Legends New England with Bob Lobel – An active discussion about athletes and concussion.

Channel 6 Feature – Young Aiden and his mother share their journey to healing with the help of Dr. Pedro and his PEDROCIT® methods.

PBS FOCUS – Concussion Tracy Yatsko shares her journey of healing from over 8 years of post-concussion symptoms. She credits Dr. Pedro and PEDROCIT® for her return to normal life, free of symptoms.