On February 25, 2013, local Channel 10, WJAR aired this special report on PEDROCIT® and the successful treatment of headaches, migraines, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries. Featuring concussion survivor and advocate, Tracy Yatsko–watch as Tracy recounts an 8-year struggle that has led her to seek treatment with Rhode Island’s own, Dr. Victor Pedro.
WPRI (Ch. 12) Medical Reporter Pat Masters examines the early days of PEDROCIT® through the treatment success of 14-year-old Olivia Canario, who suffered from a speech and language disorder.
Sports Legends New England with Bob Lobel – An active discussion about athletes and concussion.
Channel 6 Feature – Young Aiden and his mother share their journey to healing with the help of Dr. Pedro and his PEDROCIT® methods.
PBS FOCUS – Concussion Tracy Yatsko shares her journey of healing from over 8 years of post-concussion symptoms. She credits Dr. Pedro and PEDROCIT® for her return to normal life, free of symptoms.