Traumatic Brain Injury

At Rhode Island Integrated Medicine, Dr. Victor M. Pedro and his team use PEDROCIT®, a highly individualized methodology of non-invasive, external brain stimulation, to treat the symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Although a universal and consistently applied definition of TBI does not presently exist, TBI is generally understood to mean a non-degenerative, non-congenital injury or mechanical insult to the head (brain) that leads to either a temporary or permanent impairment of cognitive, physical, and psychosocial functions. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. TBI is most commonly caused by accidents, falls, assaults, and motor vehicle accidents. The groups at greatest risk include infants/toddlers, teenagers, and seniors as well as active duty military personnel.

Traumatic Brain InjuryUnlike many of the disorders that we treat, which have groups of discrete symptoms that are associated with or limited to a particular area or function of the body, each case of TBI can be highly individualized and adversely affect any area of the body, its states, and functions. As a consequence, proper diagnosis is critical in determining the area(s) of the brain that need treatment. We have years of experience in treating patients that have exhibited a broad range of symptoms and/or diminished capacities.

Dr. Victor M. Pedro is on the National Advisory Board—Medical of the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation and The Brain Project in New York City, NY.

In 1994, Cydney slipped on back ice and landed on the back of her head. She was immediately dizzy, her head felt full, all ambient sound was painfully loud, and she had lost her sense of smell. During the following months, Cydney developed head pressure, difficulty concentrating, weaknesses in all her extremities, numbness in her feet, and irritability. This continued for the next 24 years with no treatment and no improvement. Cydney was told her injuries were permanent and she would just have to live with it. Through self-education, Cydney finally correctly diagnosed herself, and when she found Dr. Pedro’s website, she knew she had found the help she needed. Here is Cydney’s story: