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Wil Trapp opens up about MLS soccer about his long road back from concussion symptoms

Despite following the usual and customary concussion protocol and then being cleared by two doctors, Wil Trapp couldn’t make it all the way through his first game back… “That was the lowest point,” he told MLS soccer.com. “I’m sitting there and I just did the two weeks of protocol and I was cleared, so I should be fine. And to not have it out there or physically be right, you just don’t know what to do. You don’t know where to turn.” Wil Trapp turned to Dr. Victor Pedro for help in recovering from him concussion symptoms. “It’s all pretty amazing stuff, how the brain works and connects every system in your body,” Trapp said. “I was just kind of fascinated by it. I was always interested in studying medicine. So to learn about all the systems of the brain…it’s fascinating to see, ‘OK, I’m feeling this symptom right now. What’s causing that?’ Read the complete article: Wil Trapp opens up about long road back from concussion... read more

Cara Griffith gives a TED talk describing the struggles on her personal journey to recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury

In her TEDx talk, Cara Griffith shares her long  personal journey to recovery from traumatic brain injury and how she finally got the treatment she needed from a doctor ( Dr. Pedro) who took her injuries seriously. Cara was told that she was…. forestalling her own recovery, in spite of her adherence to every medical, psychological and physical therapy and treatment offered to her. Her active life, once filled with friends, school, family time, music, reading and so much more became a lonely place as she withdrew from one activity after another due to her lingering health issues. She no longer attended school, socialized, played sports or any of the things she loved most – and the aspirations she held most dear became unattainable goals. Griffith was resigned to a life of pain and the inability to function in any capacity as she once had.   Read more about Cara Griffith in this article from TEDx: tedxamoskeagmillyard.com/2015/10/meet-cara-griffith-2015-tedxamoskeagmillyard-speaker/... read more

Dr. Victor M. Pedro Published in the International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health

Dr. Victor M. Pedro was published in International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health Issue 3 Supplement 1 – Special Issue on Controversies in Neurology This supplemental issue comprises the abstracts and proceedings from the 10th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy), Lisbon, Portugal. 17–20 March 2016. {Click on the text below to read the Abstract of his lecture.} Cortical Integrative Therapy: application of non- invasive brain stimulation in the treatment of pediatric brain injury and brain-based... read more

Dr. Victor M. Pedro speaks at 10th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology

Dr. Victor M. Pedro presented “Cortical integrative therapy: Application of non-invasive brain stimulation in the treatment of pediatric brain injury and brain-based disorders” at The 10th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, in March 17-20, 2016. http://www.comtecmed.com/cony/2016/rehab.aspx The CONy congress provides a platform for the world’s leading experts to discuss, debate, compare experiences, and aims to provide the clinician with the most up-to-date, relevant scientific information useful in everyday patient care.... read more

Living with HOPE: May 29, 2013

On May 29, 2013, CIT founder, Dr. Victor Pedro was interviewed alongside Power of Pain Founder, Barby Ingle, on Blog Talk Radio’s, Living with Hope talk show. Take a listen as Dr. Pedro, Ms. Ingle, and radio host, Trudy Thomas, discuss Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and consider successful treatment interventions, including Cortical Integrative Therapy.... read more